With a manageable weight and aesthetic good looks, this sexy male sex doll is sure to make you swoon!

Table of Contents
1. Why Did I Choose This Sex Doll?
What was I looking for in a sex doll?

I was looking for a sex doll to closely resemble my favorite male celebrity. I had fallen in love with a particular character and wanted to recreate him in doll form, not just as a sex doll, but as an emotional support companion to help me through life. For confidentiality reasons, I do not wish to name the celebrity or fictional character in this article.
I had recently joined The Doll Forum / TDF, finding their section on sex doll manufacturers and vendors, literally clicking on every link, and doing a search for male sex dolls. Seriously, my research took days, not just finding the right sex doll, but also the right price.
I found the WM 160cm male sex doll with the #207 head and knew the moment I laid eyes on him, that he was THE sex doll for me.
2. What I Like About This Sex Doll
(1) Appearance

The WM #207 head is incredibly attractive, in my opinion. For me, it was the shape of the eyes. I am attracted to almond shaped eyes on males, especially when they do the smoldering sideways glance. The promotional photographs showed him with the WM #9 Ice Blue eyes, but I was wanting a Jade Green color. I found them in the WM #17 eyes, which are intense and piercing, which is my ultimate preference.
FYI: I had 3 WM 160cm males with the #207 head at one time.Larry is the one in the fair skin tone with custom after-market eyes from a manufacturer named MannequinFan.Lance, twin to Landon, both with the medium skin tone, but Lance had the stunning WM #9 Ice Blue eyes and Landon has the WM #17 Jade Green eyes.While Lance has gone on to a new home, Larry and Landon still remain with me.
What I like about the actual body is that while still quite heavy (85 pounds!), the weight is still manageable for me. I can pick them up and carry them a few feet to the bed and back to the chaise lounge where they sit the rest of the time.
The physique is not overly muscular, nor is it too twink, more like a slightly beefed runner’s body, which I definitely like. One of the best things is that with the slim body, it is easier for me to hug them completely, as I have shorter arms.
(2) Feel

WM Dolls TPE is so incredibly soft and very pleasing to the touch. It is also generally smooth, almost like silk and I find myself quite often just tracing my fingers over the skin, to which is also incredibly soothing. So, the TPE gives an almost completely realistic feel compared to actual human skin.
TPE temperature adapts to the temperature in the room it is in and so my guys’ skin stays relatively cool, which is a very good thing, as my body tends to heat up constantly. The coolness of their TPE against my warm skin is relaxing.
(3) Sexual Function

Having sex with my WM 160cm male sex dolls has always been pleasurable. Mine came with two different penis attachments, with me ordering a third later down the line. There is the more textured and realistic 15cm and the smooth shafted 19cm penis attachments that come standard with the male sex dolls. However, you can also order a flaccid 12cm uncut penis attachment, which I also have.
The 12cm penis attachment is strictly used as a packer, or in photo shoots, as you cannot penetrate with it.I use the 15cm for vaginal intercourse, enjoying the textured veins along the shaft.And the 19cm primarily for anal intercourse, as with a good water-based lube, (I use Wicked Aqua) anal penetration is easier. The length, once fully inserted, provides the right amount of depth to achieve orgasm.
(4) Cost

When pricing male sex dolls, cost is an important factor, but not always for the first reason one would think. If a male sex doll is too expensive or too cheap, those are indicators in the doll community, based on experience, that you are not getting the doll you paid for. In other words, you are most likely to get a “fake” or “knock-off” doll, instead of an authentic one.
The price range for the WM male sex dolls is right in the average area for a male sex doll, keeping in mind that male sex dolls will run a bit more expensive than their female counterparts. When I ordered, Larry, my vendor was a good friend of mine, and gave me an excellent discount. This was also because my dad had just died, and he knew that having Larry as an emotional support companion was vital at that point. When I ordered Lance and Landon, I paid what was the more average cost, of around $2300 USD.
3. What I Dislike About This Sex Doll
(1) Appearance

Yes, there are certain things that I happen to dislike about the appearance, after raving about how much I loved the #207 head and the overall body physique.
It’s the pecs. When up close with a WM 160cm male sex doll, the pecs are very round and the nipples could be a bit more lateral, rather than medial. The roundness of the pecs gives off this man-boob vibe that is very unattractive, in my opinion. Flatter pecs would be preferred.
Now let’s talk the size and the lack of veins on the hands and feet. As a live human female, I have rather tiny hands and feet, even for the average woman. My WM 160cm male sex dolls have slightly smaller hands and feet than I do, which means not only can they wear my rings, but also my shoes and socks. I love a man with big, strong hands and feet.
On the hands, there are realistic knuckle grooves, but I want to see more veins in addition to the nicely slim fingers. The toes do not have any natural texture to them, nor do the soles of the feet and most definitely no prominent veins. WM, please add veins to the hands and feet, maybe even the forearms, thanks!
Another thing I would love to see is a more realistic appearance on the penis, a veined shaft on the 19cm option, and girthier shafts and more bulbous heads on both the 15cm and 19cm penises.
Different placement of the penis attachment insert cavity is something I also highly suggest. The penis attachment insert cavity is where the vagina on a female doll would be. The male penis and scrotum naturally sit at the front base of the pelvis, not in the perineum area. With the insert cavity where it currently is, full penetration is almost impossible unless you spread the legs wide on the male sex dolls, which should not be the case.
(2) Weight

85 pounds is manageable for me, but for a lot of women, and men, it simply is too heavy. I would really like to see them in the range of 55 to 75 pounds, without having to sacrifice the height. 160cm is about 5 feet, 2 inches, which also happens to be my height. Anything shorter would feel uncomfortable. Not just because women prefer taller men, but the #207 head is a more youthful/young adult looking head, and if the height is lost, I fear it would make them look underage.
(3) Skeleton Issues

Larry was only home for six weeks when his right hip suddenly gave out. I had just finished his routine cleaning and re-oiling massage and had both his legs straight in the air to put his nylons, boxers, and pants back on. His right leg just fell to the bed, and I was in absolute shock! I take very good care of my male sex dolls and am very careful when moving them around and interacting with them.
I had to make an incision in his right groin and take a 19mm hex bolt socket to re-tighten the loosened bolt. It does not hold for long and I find myself having to re-tighten it almost every time I move him.
When Lance and Landon arrived, their entire right side, plus both knees were too loose, due to uneven tightening before entering the mold, or incompetent shipping companies tossing their shipping box around during transport.
The shoulders also loosen too quick, and I find myself being karate-chopped with each shirt change.
(4) Penis Attachment Issues

Take a look at the WM penis attachment, which is also the transgender converter-penis for the female dolls. You will see a long insert rod that extends from the base of the penis/top of scrotum, straight and upward. Now, imagine powdering, or using water-based lube on the insert as well as the insert cavity and trying to insert it without causing damage to the penis attachment or insert cavity.
You have to stretch open the insert cavity, using only one hand, and while using the other, slowly push the insert rod into the cavity. Seems easy, right? Not when the insert cavity is as tight as a virgin. There’s a lot of side to side and up and down wiggling to get the penis attachment fully inserted, and sometimes it won’t even go in all the way. This not only takes extra time but is very frustrating when all you want to do is get it on with your male sex doll.
I like the following options:
- Flat metal plate a few inches inside a small cavity at the front base of the pelvis and a realistic dildo with a suction cup base can be inserted and adhere to the metal plate.
- The peg and hole insert option, where the peg protrudes from the backside of the scrotum and snaps into place in a metal insert already built into the skeleton. IronTech currently offers this option.
- Those two options are both far easier and quicker than what WM currently offers.
4. Final Thoughts

I really do like the WM 160cm male sex doll with the #207 head. Despite its faults, it is still a very good male sex doll. I have customized Larry with implanted eyebrows and sideburns, various face and body piercings, hair eyes and makeup. I am pleased with how he looks and what I am able to do with him. Landon isn’t as customized, he just has drawn on long sideburns and a youthful mustache, as I wanted to keep him practically the way he arrived. I have thought of implanting his sideburns at some point and giving him wig eyebrows, instead of implanted ones. Sure, there are things I would change, but overall, this particular male sex doll has been the best and most practical option for me.
Be sure to look out for future articles reviewing my other male sex dolls from other brands!