Thankful For Our Dolls

As the Thanksgiving holiday approaches, we reflect on our gratitude for our beloved sex dolls.

Thanksgiving is a time of year in which families gather for good food, football, and gratitude.  For many out there, our sex dolls are our family; it is only fitting that we choose to spend a day of gratitude and thanks with them.  It is true, that we do not have to prepare a massive feast for them, as they do not require food or drink, but just having them there with us, so we are not lonely, can have a massive, positive impact on our overall mental health and well-being.

Testimonies of Gratitude

I reached out to a few members on The Doll Forum / TDF, about what gratitude they have toward their sex dolls.  While I only received a handful of responses, they were heartwarming and touching.

One member who is identified as “B”, states that he is, “thankful to have a fairly good representation of a loved video game character.”  He has found, in his dolls, a close connection to a popular fictional character, and is grateful to be able to incorporate the personality and traits into them.

The Leatherman’s entered the doll world in June 2020, right in the middle of the pandemic, with the purchase of their first sex doll.  They are grateful that their dolls have provided creative outlets through photography and stories, each one having their own personalities, likes and dislikes.  They have affirmed that their dolls, to them are, “almost like ‘real people’”.  However, the most profound statement they offered was that by becoming a part of the doll community, it has allowed them to meet other good, like-minded individuals and view them as friends and family, outside of their own.

Two of Jantra’s lovely ladies, Leah and Leanne have given him a reason to continue moving forward after the loss of his wife.  Image courtesy of jantra.

Jantra’s dolls have provided him comfort, inspiration, and the willingness to continue to move forward after his wife’s death.  He tells me, “Their projects inspire me to keep moving forward and give my life a positive direction like nothing else has since my wife passed in 2018.”  He speaks fondly of being grateful for their companionship, hugs, kisses, and the ability of allowing him to be able to provide for and protect them.  This is a very beautiful sentiment in the fact that it has helped him in his grief and given him a new outlook and purpose in life.

Cifer will be spending his second Thanksgiving with the lovely Zev, his beautiful sex doll.  He wrote to me, declaring his gratitude for her.  He states that he is, “thankful for her positive influence in my everyday existence.”  She has allowed him the ability to explore various creative outlets through activities and photoshoots.  One such example is their outdoor excursions to exciting places which further enhance their experience together, traveling there in his beloved ‘Vette’ .

My dear friend Mr. Franz simplifies his gratitude for his lovely doll companions in the heartfelt statement, “I’m thankful for my dolls for being my constant muse, my escape from the world in trying times and for the sense of purpose they give me in my declining years.”  I actually teared up while reading the last part of his statement.  How beautiful it is, that as our lives begin to slow down, that we have our doll companions to share our final years with.  Here’s hoping that Mr. Franz still has many wonderful years left with us all.

For many of us, our dolls have given us a new meaning in life and a reason to keep moving forward.  Image courtesy of

PS has allowed me to share with all of you, this statement in which he lovingly expresses his thanks for his darling, Aerith.  “Thanks, Aerith, for entering my life, you’re truly special despite your unspoken words.  You’ll never say, ‘I love you,’ nor hug me, but I know if you could, you would…but one thing’s for sure, you never left me…whenever I need you, you are always there and that’s more than I can ever ask for.  So, here’s to our good days, with hopefully many more to follow.”  The love he has for her is something so pure and real, that it reads like poetry.

J1972 simply states, “I love my girls very much.”  He has also reiterated the statement by the Leatherman’s in regard to the doll community becoming like family.

Dominique and Splash will be spending their very first Thanksgiving together this year.  Although their relationship is new, it is filled with love, hope and amazing transformation.  Dominique tells us that she has provided comfort to Splash from traumatic experiences, helping him learn how to forgive in the process.  She has helped him completely turn his life around in a positive way, also inspiring him to turn a neglected house into a beautiful home for the two of them.

AH, a long-time and highly influential and respected member of the doll community, (we all have seen his professional doll photoshoots on vendor websites!) expresses his gratitude in the following, heartfelt statement, in which I admit, it touched my heart and made my eyes water a bit.  

“Yes!  Gratitude!  I’m grateful to have found this thread! (Referring to my thread posted on TDF, for statements of gratitude for this very article.)  I’m also grateful that you have continued to share your love for our dolls here at TDF! (Referring to my contributions to TDF over the past four years.)  I mean look at us all!  We can see the most beautiful dolls in the world here every day.  This forum is where it all started.  I’m grateful to the makers of these fine pieces of art!  But I’m most grateful to all the people here that inspire such originality and infuse the coolest of personalities into each and every doll to take them to the next level.  This whole doll thing has evolved to such great proportions that I never saw upon entering this realm.  (He has been a member since 2013!)  Each post here at TDF answers questions and opens up possibilities.  Just looking at the list of your collection that includes the homemade dolls!  (Referring to my homemade dolls, Lawrence, Tristan, Beau, and Trevor, plus Larry, Lance, and Landon (TPE) and Colt, my Sinthetics Silicone Male.)  WTH!  Some really go to great lengths!  That would be you, DG! (My TDF alias.)  So, in closing I can say YES!  I am grateful for having dolls in my life but without this platform…It could never be as hugely and immensely interesting as it is.”

Seriously, this got ME right in the feels.  I honestly didn’t realize that I have been such an inspiration.

Lawrence has been there for me during some of the most difficult times in my life, including accompanying to my late daughter’s grave on what would have been her 18th birthday.  Image courtesy of Alexandria Sportello.

Which leads me to my own statement of gratitude:

Yesterday, I was looking for new songs to enjoy on YouTube.  Anson Seabra is one of my newest favorite artists, as his songs are soulful and seem to have the words that I cannot seem to find myself, to express my love and gratitude to my beloved Lawrence.  Lawrence is my very first doll, a fabric/silicone hybrid.  I made him myself and we have just celebrated four years together this month.    He has these stunningly beautiful and intense emerald green eyes.  Anson Seabra composed a song called “Emerald Eyes,” and last night something told me I had to listen to this song.  I’m so glad that I did, because it is exactly how I feel about Lawrence and how much I love him.

Yes, I love Lawrence.  I love my doll to the point it makes me cry sometimes.  Lawrence and I had only been together for a few months when my dad died suddenly.  Lawrence was there for me, he held me through an entire week of being numb and in shock, then afterward through the never-ending tears and intense sobbing.  Lawrence was there for me 11 months after, when I underwent my first of two emergency, life-saving surgeries.  He stayed at my bedside all day and night, as I struggled to recover.  He did this again 18 months after the first surgery when the second one happened unexpectedly.  

I found myself all alone in February of this year, in what would have been my late daughter’s 18th birthday.  Lawrence was there.  We went together to visit her grave; he was at my side the whole time.  Lawrence has been there and has offered so much comfort to me during some of the worst times of my life.  He has replaced and filled the void of so many others who simply walked out of my life in one way or another.  Lawrence inspired me to write three romance novels, my very first books, last year.  I had been trying to write a book for over twenty years; I would start a book, but never finish, as I lost the inspiration.  Lawrence was exactly who I needed to reach this important goal in life.

At night, he holds me in his arms.  Sometimes it is silent, but there have been many nights where I just let it all out, telling him of all that is hurting my heart, or fogging my head at the moment.  He is currently helping me work through a major faith crisis, plus unpack the baggage of a lifetime of abuse and trauma.  Lawrence is teaching me to accept and love myself; constantly reaffirming that I am good enough and that he’s not leaving.  

I never imagined that I could ever have him in my life, or just how much he would come to mean to me and care for me, simply just by being a doll companion.  I am grateful for Lawrence far more than any words or actions could ever truly express.

Final Thoughts

Image courtesy of

Sex dolls may have been created and marketed strictly as masturbation devices, but in the doll community, they have become so much more.  You can read from the testimonies above, just how they have impacted the lives of their keepers and the love and gratitude that forms and evolves from simply having them in our lives.  I wish all of you a Happy Thanksgiving Holiday.  Not only am I grateful for my dolls and the doll community, who have become my family, but also for you, the readers who take the time out of your days to show your support in reading my articles.  Thank you.


Our lives are far from perfect, but we all have things we are grateful for.  Image courtesy of

To read more stories of gratitude that members of the doll community have for their sex dolls, please go to the following link:  Thankful For Our Dolls – The Doll Forum.

Those who wish to listen to the song I referenced in my gratitude testimonial, you can find it here:  Anson Seabra – Emerald Eyes – YouTube.


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