Saying “Sex Doll” or “Love Doll” does not mean all the doll community view them solely for this purpose.
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What’s in A Name?

Everything in life has a label, or a name. That is how we identify ourselves and others. But sometimes names, or labels can cast a negative shadow over the person or object whom or which bears them. Sex dolls, also labeled love dolls, when brought up in conversation, tend to incite a negative response from many people.
However, the simple term “doll”, does not, as dolls typically produce the image in one’s mind, of a small child playing with a baby doll or an older child playing with a barbie. A vision which is socially acceptable. Sex dolls and love dolls, cause people to harshly and inaccurately judge the person who has them as a deviant, pervert, loser, incel, etc.
Why is that?
Even though sex is a normal, healthy, and necessary part of life, it is viewed as something dirty, disgusting, and sinful, by society. But at the same time, sex is enticing, exciting and it sells, as the saying goes.
Still, the labels “sex doll” and “love doll” are widely popular and the most often coined terms to identify them.
Why Change What Works?

Nearly everyone knows what a sex doll or a love doll is, but not everyone likes to call them by those names. There are three threads on TDF that discuss what sex doll owners call their sex dolls and alternative labels for them that could possibly be more socially acceptable, if not more discreet terms. You can find them below:
- I.C.D. (Intimate Companion Dolls) –
- Are the Terms “Sex doll” or “Love doll” Outdated? –
- Sex Doll or Love Doll? –
However, when we look for them online, we type in those two terms into our browser search engines and millions of results appear within seconds. SEO statistics states that this way works quite well. But how well would it work, should we choose to use other labels for sex dolls? Let’s look at arguments on both sides, shall we?
Supporting Views
I, like many others, support alternative and more socially acceptable names for sex dolls. I call my male sex dolls “synthetic companions”, much like Davecat, one of our more well-known sex doll lovers. When I had my own private blog regarding daily life with my male “synthetic companions”, I would refer to them as such, or simply by name.
MonAmour Toujours states, “I believe changing the terminology would also make a lot of people that would consider “sex dolls” as embarrassing or humorous feel more comfortable about investing or investigating silicone dolls.” While this might not be the case for everyone, I do have to agree with his point. More people might just be more inclined to find out more about sex dolls if they were labeled something more appropriate for the general public.
Dutch Dance Maniac tell us “Yes, it is a sexdoll for many…… but from the beginning she was much more for me. I do not see her as sexdoll but as an artificial partner.” So, while she was built and marketed as a sex doll, he sees beyond the label and finds so much more to her than just the sexual aspect.
Opposing Views
On the other hand, others in the doll community are content with the terms “sex doll” and “love doll”.
TDF member TTNLBTPD informs us, “We really don’t need a more politically correct term for what they are. For me, Jenelle is a sex-doll. That is her primary purpose of existence. If you want to call them something different, then by all means but sugar coating what they are will not change opinion.”
Deadpringle calls his sex dolls by a kinder term, but he has brought up a very good point in his statement, “I call my dolls my ‘synthetic sweeties’.
Honestly, people can call their dolls whatever they want. But it won’t’ change what they are, or what they were made for, and likely won’t change what the industry calls them unless their customers demand it or changing what they call them positively affects their sales.”
Again, sex sells, so why would sex doll manufacturers and vendors want to change it to something more politically correct, when a possible label could cost them sales revenue?
But what would we call them?

Over the three threads that I read, regarding alternative names for sex dolls, there were many excellent suggestions. Some where sweet and endearing, others quite practical, and there were even a few funny ones thrown in, merely for the sake of humor. I have compiled a list of potential alternative names below.
Popular Suggestions
- Synthetic Companion/Friend
- Synthetic Girlfriend/Boyfriend
- Synthetic Wife/Husband
- Synthetic Girl/Lady/Woman/Female
- Synthetic Guy/Gentlemen/Man/Male
- Synthetic Partner/Person
- Love Companion
- Companion Dolls
- Unreal Girl
- Real Companion Doll
- Surrogate Doll
- Adult Doll/Adult Companion Doll
- Silicone/TPE Companion
- Dutch Wife
- Mail Order Bride
- Playmates
- “Anatomically Correct” Doll
Funnier Names
- Undercover Plastic Fantastic Lover – by dollylamma
- Anatomical Human Facsimile – by MrFranz
- Tactical Portable Stealth Squad Assault Orbital Bombardment Semen Extraction Apparatus – by Tybalt
Creative Names
- I.C.D. / Intimate Companion Dolls – by Nintrovert 40
- I.P.A. / Intimate Partner Alternative – by MonAmour Toujours
- Toy Lady – by haremlover
- Dollpanion – by MoneyMike
- Silicone Sculptures – by Pygmalion
- Synpartners/Synpanions – by Pygmalion
So, as you can see, the sex doll community is divided, but it is not a bad type of division. It is simply people who love their dolls seriously, creatively, and often, hilariously sharing their opinions in regard to alternative names for sex dolls. I feel that nearly all the sex doll community can agree, though, that regardless of the label “sex doll”, “love doll”, or “synthetic companion”, we simply do not want to be judged negatively for having them in our lives and would like some form of a friendlier term to identify them, so that we can be more accepted for who we are.
I am thinking an article about the stigma surrounding the sex doll community is something I will write about soon.