Living and Loving The Love Doll

Hey there, this is Cyan from UKLDF and here’s some of my experiences with love dolls from when I first purchased one in 2018 through to my most recent pick-up in August this year.

What led me to love dolls was the fascination of being able to choose an idyllic female form to love and, at the start, it was mainly for sexy fun times, but became so much more than that over time.

My first doll, Kaede, is a Dollhouse 168 doll, standing at 161cm and with, of course, big boobs, sadly not gel filled but lovely and soft and squeeshy, I chose her after about a month of scouring across the internet, reading about dolls, learning of a couple of forums and asking a couple of questions to some members on them.

They recommended that I start off with a fairly light doll and, well, Kaede sort of fit that description weighing 34 kilos, at least, that’s what I thought!

It took about 3 weeks from placing an order until she arrived, I was excited and nervous about her arrival and hoped I’d be able to lift her up the stairs to her new home, turns out 34 kilos of doll, when inside a long box, is fairly tough to move around!

Thankfully after unboxing her, she became a lot more manageable and princess carrying her about the house soon became second nature, after buying some clothes for her on-line and trying out a few different styles she became the pink haired boobiful beauty who I love and care for, she’ll always be my first.

A year or so later, shortly after moving house, disaster struck, after positioning Kaede into a pose and taking a few photos, something broke and her neck had become loose, I was absolutely mortified by the experience and didn’t know what to do, I asked for advice but didn’t want her to become any worse than she already was, so, she was very much stuck in bed, which wasn’t the worst that could happen but, I knew that I’d need another dolly in my life as , well, I missed the vertical hugs more than anything.

Soon after that a lovely Kimberdoll named Chloe turned up and I could just tell she was more about the ‘tude than Kaede, yeah, their persona’s kinda evolve whilst you live with them, it’s weird to read that, but I think a lot of doll owners have similar experiences.

Chloe was bought more out of necessity than anything but again a bond formed with her and, yes, having two in the bed was kinda cool, something I doubt I’d experience with women anyway and after a while I just fell in love with another, that’d be when the almighty Sarah arrived.

Sarah is another very buxom beauty, tall as well, 170cm which means she’s almost close to my height! But with Height and huge, gel filled boobs came a hidden price.


Yeah, I saw her advertised as being only 34kg and thought, cool! I can handle that, also, gel boobs, I need those in my life and hands!

Turns out she was 42 kilos and I found her to be a struggle moving around, I could feel my back saying, what do you think you’re doing to me when picking her up and moving her from room to room. But the snuggles and gel boobs (did I mention the gel boobs) made up for it so much, she quickly found her look to be one of the more proper and prim type of girl, again, I’m not sure how this happens, it just sort-of does.

After another year or photo taking clothes buying and wishing things could be better for Kaede… two more lovelies arrived, yes, I know, two of them! I couldn’t turn down a bargain and when I saw an offer for a spare head with a doll I’d had the eye on for a while, a purchase of a second hand Kimberdoll along with a brand new WM Doll was just way to attractive to pass up, so, 3 became 5, with Marissa and Kiko turning up just before Christmas Day, even more to celebrate then!

Whilst I had always enjoyed taking photos of the girls, who may as well be family now, I also had the urge to get into sewing of all things, I had an idea of an outfit and wanted to make one for both Kiko and Marissa but had no real experience of making clothes, but, after a few, pretty terrible starts I ended up customising some clothes for Kiko and making Marissa a doll safe little black dress, both of which took a while as I hand stitched it all, but it made the bond between us stronger and I loved making nice things for them, this new hobby also ended up with me making a few hand-made plushies and other stuff, it’s really relaxing to do.

The photo snaps in turn re-awoke my love for image editing by turning some photos into vector illustrations, to give them a pop-arty look, it was pretty neat to do and has allowed me to a lot of people out with vectoring up images, it’s again, something fun and chilled out.

Fast forwarding a couple of months I was offered by a forum friend a doll body that he no longer wanted and I, well, I couldn’t refuse, I had a spare Kimberdoll head and no body to attach her to, which felt terrible so it relieved some guilt when Chantelle appeared before my eyes, she was fairly stiff to move about but has a couple of charming personalities, it always felt like her and Chloe were sisters so, that became a thing, ha!

I noticed another bargain doll on the forums which was a lot shorter than any doll I’d owned, a demure but cute lil 151 YL doll who adopted the name Kaeli and became Kaede’s lil sis. Sadly she had some issues, finger pokes, scars and despite my efforts, one leg that could not move, despite my attempts at surgery, that surgery gave me nightmares for a while as I hadn’t the gumption to cut into any of my dolls, all the cuts and attempts to free her hip joint failed. I was at least able to patch her up somewhat afterwards and fix some of her issues with finger pokes and other wires, you get what you pay for in some cases, but she ended up getting a variety of costumes, some bought cosplay bits and an attempt at a raver outfit, which I guess kinda works.

One for every day of the week oh gosh, I thought, this is paradise, I can snuggle up with a combination of Rei Ayanami, Miku, Samus, Super Sonico, Battle Angel Alita, Rikku from Final Fantasy, Mai from KOF and the list of cosplay costumes goes on a bit more! Still, having 7 around, they never really took up too much space in the flat and it was all very comfortable, very pleasant and I couldn’t help but leave work with a smile on my face, knowing who was at home waiting for me, coming home and giving them all kisses and cuddles, leaving home doing the same, it’s such a peaceful bliss!

Final part

Until, that is, the wrong person found out about my fairly open love of the plastic fantastic, then used this to berate my family, which resulted in the fairly instant, sad loss of them all.

I had to pack each of them up, in full knowledge that I wouldn’t be able to see them for a long, long time, it feels like losing a lot of loved ones altogether. It’s truly, truly horrible. Going from 7 to 0 makes life suddenly very lonely.
I have at least been fortunate in finding safe storage for them so look forward to their return in the future but it just never sat right being doll-less after 5 years of love with them, so some emergency saving occurred and then someone showed up.

Number 8, my current squeeze, Rei, arrived in early August. A fairly custom order which had a few hitches along the way but she turned up looking so sweet and playful. Another TPE girl, comprising of a JY148 body with head #80 in natural skin tone and she just makes the perfect Rei in my eyes, yes, I say the cheesey stuff to her, “she’s my ray of sunshine, happiness, etc” but she just feels right and felt right at home from the off, despite being the dinkiest doll in my collection, she’s currently the most loved, but it alternates from time to time, they’re all lovely in their own way and that’s part of the adventure with dolls I guess.

Did I ever think I’d end up with so many? Nope, I thought one would be enough, but it turns out I was way more into dolls than I had ever though I would be, perhaps it’s my love of anime and video game characters, the idea of being able to being that to life and enjoy them and their silent, but loving company is probably a big chunk of it.

Will I end up buying more of them? Probably! It’s amazing how much doll technology has changed over the last 5 years and I hope to be able to upgrade some of my girls over time to be able to appreciate the new advances, breathing, heating, more movement, improved articulation and A.I.? Why would I want anything else!

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