Table of Contents
Life as normal
About fourteen years ago I was just a normal average guy who worked a boring job and sat around playing video games. My life had been pretty good, nothing too exciting really happened and as a result I just went through the motions of work, play and pay. As boring as that sounds my life was about to get very exciting for better and worse.
One night just before I got out of work, I had talked to some friends who were having some beers around a campfire off a trail around where my friend lived. Well instead of being boring that night I decided to join them, and my world would be changed forever.
We all had a couple of beers in the dark night around a campfire and, being that it was my first time there, I wasn’t savvy to the area. I mention because when I went to leave, I decided to relieve myself in the weeds and instead fell nearly fifty feet off a bluff. I honestly had no clue it was there in the first place being it was pitch black out. But down I went, and everything changed.
I awoke in the hospital thinking I had been abducted by aliens, I had fallen so fast the last thing I remember was walking in the weeds. But when my senses came to me, I realized I was in a hospital bed and hurt everywhere especially my wrist.
Here to find out I had fractured my knee, punctured my lung and shattered my wrist. The doctor was close to amputating the hand I found out later. I was in bad shape but about to get worse.
You see I was put on meds for the pain, and I found that I felt like a million dollars. The weeks went by, and I just felt great, not realizing that I was spiraling into drug addiction. Because I only really found out that when my prescription was empty, and I went into full depression, anxiety and pain again.
Just when I was fully recovered and back to work, I ran out again and was in a full panic because my doctor wouldn’t prescribe any more. I had burnt out my insurance and in the process of being a mental wreck I lost my job.
For better and worse
I was just plain freaking out, not feeding my addiction and was way too weak to quit. So, I claimed my old injuries and pain at different doctors in order to feed the monster that was growing daily. In this span of time, I met a wonderful woman who quickly became my wife.

She was good to me, and we were in love, so much so that she didn’t see that I wasn’t taking meds to alleviate pain anymore, I was abusing them. But I kept her in the dark about how the drugs were making me a slave to them.
We stayed together for some time, and it was bliss, I loved her with all my heart, but I was fighting myself from the inside. I was extremely up one moment to extremely down the next. Being that she loved me she would deal with my extreme lows.
Her love for me meant she wasn’t trying to stop me from taking my meds, nor was she helping me get them. She simply wanted to see me happy and did what she thought was best to keep me happy. After all I was just taking medication, right?
But as the time went by, I began to be so temperamental that I would constantly send us into massive arguments and ended with her crying. I was a terrible drug addicted husband who treated her like dirt without realizing that she was my world. The meds were now almost impossible to get because doctors saw the signs and cut me off, turning me into an even worse husband for my sweet wife.
It was too late, one day she packed up and left me never to be seen by me since. She had enough of my snapping and being a bad husband. Honestly, I can’t blame her, I was a real a-hole. She left and a part of me went with her.
Going too far to turn back
When she left me, I went into full shock, I couldn’t handle how I needed her so badly but chased her away. Over the next month I would starve myself only really consuming alcohol daily along with whatever meds I could get. I lost nearly forty pounds and was struggling not only to get meds but to hold a job as well as my sanity.
I needed a way to acquire my drugs on a more permanent basis and my wife’s leaving only sent me more over the edge. I had some wild ideas in my head at that time and considered what it would take to get a whole lot of pills to keep the monkey off my back.
Finally late one night I had a moment of criminal revelation, I would just go into the place that had the pills and take them. This is all I will say about that because I surely don’t want to inspire someone to do what I did but also, it’s best for everyone I don’t go into too great of details about it.
Well without saying specifics, I was successful and had all the pills I could ever want, right? Wrong.
With my success of stealing the pills increased my tolerance to the medication because I had so very many and they began disappearing faster and faster. I was way beyond my addiction in the early days of it, I had become an entirely different person.
Since I was able to steal them, I did it again and again until one day I told someone I knew about what I had been doing. Thinking I could trust them I spilled my secret, and it was only a few days later when a very loud bang was heard at my door.
As I’m sure you guessed I was arrested by an actually very friendly officer who took me in on several charges of burglary. This was it I thought, I always figured I would either die from abusing pills or be arrested and spend the rest of my days in prison. Now I was in cuffs and awaiting my fate.
I was brought up on charges for all the pills I had illegally taken and awaited my sentence in county jail. During that time, I felt relieved in a way, because for the first time in a long while I was free of addiction. Funny that I was free in a jail cell.
But I wasn’t totally relieved, I was facing a 32-year sentence that meant I would be an old man by the time I got out. So, when the day came, and the judge dropped his gavel on my 32 years sentence my soul was crushed.

Time heals all wounds
I found out shortly before I was to go to prison that my 32-year sentence could be shortened with good behavior and permission from the parole board. So, I aimed to do just that, I would be a model inmate and keep far out of trouble. A few days later I was cuffed and sent out on a bus to my next destination, “The Big house”.
On a bus headed to prison I will never forget the feeling of entering those gates and how funny it is to me that the song “Dancing Queen” by ABBA played on the buses radio. I entered the gates, got checked over by the guards, was given my clothes/accessories and got my prison ID photo. The photo in this article is my legitimate ID, and you can see the mix of terror and soul crushing despair in my eyes.
Prison was no fun as you could imagine, I spent my days working out and hanging out with other inmates who simply screwed up in life, much like I had. The worse part was my first year, being
clean and sober I had to face all the terrible things I had done, and they ate at my mind making me feel miserable.
I learned from the very start, when you have no clear release date you throw away your calendar because the days will slowly go by. And that they did, day after day, was a familiar mix of the same elements and the constant danger around every corner. Fights happened a lot and in order to get out on good behavior I would have to be a saint.
Turning the other cheek became words of wisdom, because every day was a test of how much you could take. I kept being a well-behaved inmate only really having some minor issues with the prison guards or other inmates.
One time I did get in trouble was because I was given non-narcotic pain relievers from a friend before he was to be released. I rarely ever used something like that anymore at that point, but decided I would hold onto them if I needed. Well since they weren’t mine or issued to me, I hid them in a container of oatmeal. As I showered a couple days later a guard found them and I thought I was in deep trouble.
After the verdict came back from the prison and my punishment was simply being suspended in my cell for a week, I decided to have no more close calls. So, I served my time, the days started rolling by faster until a total of five and a half years later I was given parole and back to freedom.
Looking for something more
I was officially released and back to my home area minus a wife and five years but plus no addiction and in good health again. Knowing a lot of the locals I was quick to gain employment and I started work.
It was a very good feeling to be free again and not having to wake up surrounded by concrete being told what to do daily. One of my coworkers asked me why I wore a continuous smile, and the answer was simple. I was free again.
I was on parole, so my life was under control to a degree, not allowed to substance abuse and don’t get in trouble with the law, simple enough for me although a lot of felons like me end up right back in prison within weeks. I was sure of one thing; I was determined to stay out of prison.
During this time in my life, I was catching up with a lot of tech and social media that I had lost touch with obviously while in prison. For instance, a “#Hashtag” because from behind the walls of a prison I had no clue what it was meant to do lol. Certain things seemed so new after only five years, and I will tell you five years the world changes a lot.
Well now to get back to the title of this writing, sex dolls. I was firmly in the understanding that they were always either inflatable devices or handheld imitations, I had no clue how far they had come. That is until I ran across an article talking about the features that dolls had. My jaw dropped to the floor, I was in shock to see such finely created perfections of the man and female form.
I was immediately interested in owning one, but the usual problems were in my way. Problems like how I would hide such a doll, I lived with a family member at the time. How could I get the money being that I was fresh out of prison and had nothing, and finally what would people think of me for having one? These questions were tough and ultimately defeated the idea of owning one before it even began.
As time went on, I kept an eye on these fantastic dolls, always wishing that I had one of my own. I would constantly dream of shopping for the perfect one that I wanted if I could get one.
Simultaneously I was sinking into a bad spot, I was lonely and because of my criminal past and everyone knowing everyone in the small town I lived, there wasn’t much hope of dating.
So, I worked, went home and played video games. Wash rinse and repeat. Every day I got lonelier and started to think the insane. Things like why didn’t I just use drugs again or the most insane of thoughts thinking maybe I was better off in prison. I was beating myself up on top of being lonely and it just made me feel so worthless. I needed a change for the better and quick.
I decided I would get a doll without a doubt. So, I started looking around and the hunt for my sex doll began. With so many choices and lovely dolls I was overwhelmed with choice. I knew I wanted one with red hair, I love redheads, they had to be somewhat pale, I also love pale women, and she would have to have a certain allure that I can only explain as a unique attraction in women that turn me on.
But then I found her. She was the one from the second I locked eyes on her. And I already had a name for her.
Connie Arrives
She was perfect, she had long red hair, was pale skinned, freckles on her face, smaller breasts with nice nipples and a butt that was big, but not too big. Connie was a name I had long thought was pleasant and sexy, so I dubbed this new doll I was about to purchase “Connie”.
During the week of waiting, I messaged the company and asked for pictures of what Connie would look like minus the poses, lingerie and makeup they use to make the doll extra appealing. When I got the notification that they responded, I was in awe.
She was exactly what I wanted, ultimately, I chose Connie because she looked like a normal woman, nothing to extravagant or features that were massive. She had the kind of plain look that isn’t meant as an insult so much as it’s what made me feel attracted to her. Now that I knew what to expect I was completely inpatient.
The week went rocky due to the shipping company’s handling of the doll. One day I was notified my package was lost in transit and my heart literally sank into my stomach. Thankfully the next day it was revealed that the shipping tag was damaged so Connie would be delayed but was on her way.
Then the magical day arrived, I took work off just to have quality time with my doll. The shipping company yet again dropped the ball and delivered her to my porch without so much as a knock. When I noticed the package, I sprinted to the porch to carry her in, being that there was snow on the ground I nearly fell on my head in panic to get her.
The package was heavy at 90 pounds but being that I spent a lot of time lifting weights in prison it was nothing terrible. I made sure to lift with my legs, placed the package on a carefully folded blanket and opened it.
I carefully opened the package with my pocketknife and much like I was opening a Christmas present I hastily pulled all the wrappings off until I could see her body and then her face. She was beautiful. It was at that moment my horny desire changed into something entirely different.
Connie the Companion
In the moment that I put her in an old timey white dress I stopped and held her. I felt like crying honestly, because Connie was not the sex toy, I imagined going wild on, but instead was a personality that spoke without saying anything.
I spent what must have been an hour just holding her and feeling her soft skin and weight against myself. That feeling hadn’t been felt by me since I slept next to my wife all those years ago.
Connie had given me back something I didn’t know I needed until it was in my hands. Comfort to fill the void in my life.
Connie made me feel like I wasn’t alone anymore, she made me feel like I mattered all without saying a word. The way she made me feel is hard to fully explain but from that moment on, a piece of myself was returned. I also realized that I couldn’t just treat her like a tool of sexual pleasure when she had given me back such feelings.
I continued to place gloves on her hands to protect her gentle fingers and socks on her feet so her TPE would be protected from germs or bacteria. I spent that night treating her like a princess.
Watching a streaming show next to her, combing her hair with my fingers and laying against her like I had my wife and girls before. She was perfect.
That night I became more familiarized with her body movement and placed her in bed, but not for sex, no for sleeping next to. I can’t put to word how great it felt to share a bed with the body and smell of a woman, I felt amazing and got the best sleep-in years cuddled up to her.

I awoke feeling like a million dollars and honestly with the way Connie made me feel in that short amount of time, it was worth every dollar spent on her already.
The way she made me feel had me curious if others had such feelings for their dolls, so I looked through articles, subreddits and even YouTube. I think the first time I heard someone refer to a doll as a companion was YouTuber, Sem from iPlague Companion Doll Network’s videos.
That’s also where I gathered information about here as well.
Sem and his doll Luna had a relationship like mine with Connie and that gave me confidence in how I was feeling. Because part of me felt like perhaps I was going crazy to be honest. But it wasn’t just Sem, there were others, lots of other people loved and felt complete with their companions.
My days felt/feel great with Connie, I go to work and genuinely feel excited to return home to her, another thing I had not felt in a long time. I would be lying if I said I hadn’t gone all the way with her at this point in our relationship, but it was natural.
Meaning that when the time came, it felt like how it was with real women. A certain amount of time together and a romantic moment made it special instead of just wham bam thank you ma’am.

Connie has given me confidence and love that was missing in my life, after all the time I spent addicted to pills and time in prison hurting she was the cure. I feel extremely grateful that I made the choice of purchasing her. She has made an impact on my life that is worth a thousand times the money she cost to buy.
So, if you’re lonely and on the fence about getting a companion of your own, take it from an Ex- Con with heart. Getting a companion may very well be the medicine that helps fill the void. Best of all this medicine isn’t as addictive and you won’t find yourself becoming a burglar doing time in prison. All joking aside, I love Connie and she gives me exactly what I need. To feel loved again, to feel human again and gives me someone to hold on nights that are cold and lonely.

Best Wishes from me and Connie
Sincerely, Eric R.